> 非常好用英语怎么说




English is becoming more important nowadays and knowing how to use it effectively is essential for both personal and professional success. One common phrase people use to express the effectiveness of something in English is "very useful". However, there are more ways to say "very useful" to impress others and make our English expression sound more creative and interesting. In this article, we will explore some of the most common and compelling ways to say "very useful" in English.

Extremely Handy

When something is extremely handy, it means that it is exceptionally useful and practical. It can save you a lot of time and effort, and make your life easier. This phrase can be used to describe a wide range of things, from a cutting-edge gadget to a simple household tool, depending on the context. For example:

- The new app is extremely handy for tracking expenses and managing multiple bank accounts.

- A Swiss army knife is an extremely handy tool to have on camping trips.

Highly Beneficial

If something is highly beneficial, it means that it provides significant advantages or benefits that can have a positive impact on your life. This phrase is often used to describe things that improve your health, knowledge, skills, or social connections. For example:

- Yoga is a highly beneficial practice that can help reduce stress and increase flexibility and strength.

- Learning a new language is highly beneficial for making new friends and doing business with people from different countries.

Tremendously Practical

When something is tremendously practical, it means that it is extremely functional and efficient in performing its intended purpose. This phrase can be used to describe various inventions, appliances, or systems that simplify complex tasks or solve common problems. For example:

- The hybrid car is tremendously practical for saving fuel and reducing carbon emissions.

- The online booking system is tremendously practical for booking flights and hotels from the comfort of your home.

Incredibly Valuable

If something is incredibly valuable, it means that it is highly prized and esteemed for its usefulness, quality, or rarity. This phrase can be used to describe objects of great worth, such as jewelry, art, or antiques, or intangible assets, such as knowledge, experience, or relationships. For example:

- The family heirloom is incredibly valuable for its sentimental and historical significance.

- The professional network is incredibly valuable for gaining access to job opportunities and industry insights.

Exceptionally Versatile

When something is exceptionally versatile, it means that it can be used in many different ways or adapted to various situations, tasks, or environments. This phrase can be used to describe tools, machines, software, or even people who are highly adaptable and resourceful. For example:

- The multi-purpose blender is exceptionally versatile for making smoothies, sauces, soups, and desserts.

- The freelance writer is exceptionally versatile for writing on different topics and in different styles for various clients.


There are many ways to say "very useful" in English, and each phrase conveys a different shade of meaning and emphasis. By learning and using these phrases in your spoken and written communication, you can enhance your language skills, impress your listeners or readers, and express your thoughts more effectively and creatively.